Holiday Cards and request for gluten free goodies

Dec 05, 2008 19:10

23 Holiday Cards written, 12 Holiday Letters enveloped and ready to mail out, 5 holiday letters not quite ready to send out cause I still need addresses (family members mostly, and Dana and Uriah who just got married a few months ago and I don't know if they've moved or not), and a slightly cramped hand. Yay holiday cards!

Speaking of holiday stuff, I have a question/request. I've already told my friends and family that I just cannot afford buying presents this year, so I'm going to be making some instead. Current plan involves femo clay and hand made ornaments, but wanna do more than that. Specifically, I was hoping to do some sort of snack/munchie type food that I can bag up and send along, like trail mix or home made potato chips or some sort of candy/taffy/whatever. The hard part is that, as I think I've mentioned before, we're pretty sure my dad has some sort of wheat allergy, so finding gluten-free recipes is a bit of a challenge.

So, onto the request - do any of you have some good, non-perishable, gluten-free snack ideas I might be able to make? Homemade Chex Mix sans pretzels, wheat Chex, and possibly rye chips is first on my To Make list, with Rice Krispy bars next, but those seem kinda... Unoriginal? If you have any other suggestions - specifically for candy-type goodies - I would love you forever and ever if you help me out.

question, holiday cards, gluten-free, request

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