Random Flist Spazz (as in "spastic movement of my fingers, not the OMG YAY type spazz)

Nov 29, 2008 10:21

::ENTER RANDOM SONG LYRIC HERE, cause I don't know the actual words to the song I woke with in my head this morning::

{{{snuggs Emmies like woah}}} LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOOOOOOOOU!!!

icepixie, your current Bones Love and ramblings totally make me happy. Yay Bones! Also, that Mad Hatter picture is... Kinda creepy. I'll see your "drag queen" and raise you a "bit like a zombie", as well. I don't think that man is capable of doing a normal part. I do like his hat, though.

ladyflowdi, OMG, YAY FOR ANOTHER TORCHWOOD CONVERT! And thanks to you, I have been bingeing (sp, I'm sure) on Torchwood/Doctor Who fic all weekend. Procrastination is fun!

{{hugs her VerBear}} I am fine! I am finally receiving comments in my email again, so yay for that! Felt kinda "ugh" last night, but today it is bright and shiny and I have promise of a Coffee Cabin Chai Tea Latte in my future, which makes everything better!

HIYEEEE tarzanic! Happy (Belated) Turkey Day to you as well! Also, awesome link on the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade being Rick Roll'd. I watched it twice. And I am tempted to watch it again.

troyswann, your post about power outages and snow-bound dogs amused me to no end. I also read it twice, cause it makes me happy. Not that you had a power outage, but the picture of your dog diving head first into a snowbank up to his back legs makes me giggle no matter how many times I read it.

ashura_fan, is that fic grammatically pleasing? It sounds interesting, but I hesitate to read anything from THE FANFICTION PIT OF DOOM cause so very many of the authors don't know the proper use of a comma if it bit them in the ass. Also, SCARY SPELLING that even makes me - notoriously bad speller - go OH, MY EYES! IT BURNSES, IT DOES!

No, I have not had any caffeine this morning. I did, in fact, only get up about 45 minutes ago. This is a completely natural high, baby!

::dances off twisting and gyrating "If You Want My Body" as it plays in her head::

ps - I really do know everyone's names. Or, well, at least the names they use on LJ along with their usernames. There really is no rhyme or reason to why I used Actual Names vs Usernames with certain people. Blame it on random SPASTIC FINGER MOVEMENT cause that's what I'm doing.

comments, friends, wired, spazz, spam

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