(no subject)

Nov 22, 2008 00:48

Going through and tagging old entries. I really wish I hadn't spammed so much.

That said, plan is to head home tomorrow and hang out with parents and stuff. Eldest brother, Gus, got back from Hawaii about a week ago (he'd been living there for over a year), so I should probably say hi to him, too. Also, I shall bring Iron Man and Get Smart and there will be a movie marathon.

Mandy is also off visiting someone (I'm assuming Rob) this weekend, and the stairs/whatever are doing that creaky cracky thing again and visions of Demon Squirrels are running through my head. Well, not really, but it is loud/annoying/creepy enough that I'm going to turn my air purifier on medium so I have a nice cushion of White Noise in favor of having a roommate around to blame random noises on.

Oh, yeah, and I managed to get an 80% on my Intro to Soils and Water exam. I'm not sure how I managed that, but yay for small favors.

roommates, intro to soils and water, old posts, home alone

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