Nov 07, 2008 22:23
Still going through all the written stuff in my "marens" folder. Read all the Virtual Scapercon Quotes from 2005-2007, which was fun. Now I'm up to "stories".
Tried reading on of my oldest stories; the first bit I wrote for it is okay, but the second... Neram was going "Oooooh, it buuuuuuurns! Make it stop, Maren! Make it stop!" and I only made it about half a page in before I gave into her pleas. The writing was fine, and the idea had some merit, but the execution... ::shakes head:: The sap was so thick the pages were sticking together and I would love to deny ever being that... way, but alas, my name is on the document, and it will remain an immortal symbol to remind me of how sentimental and sappy I once was. Also, there is always the chance that my muse will be all "REWRITE" and it will be reborn. A very slim chance, about the same as getting struck my lightning, but a chance none the less.
Second story I relived was the ghost story I wrote a few years ago that was supposed to be finished for Halloween but ended up getting posted in, like, February. Though still not very good, it wasn't nearly as painful, and there were a few sections I was actually pretty pleased with.
Next on the list was The Monster Of Them All, my first attempt at *serious* writing, which has been sitting untouched for about two years now. The Powers That Be, which really isn't all that bad. Its a lot more sentimental than I would write something like that now, and the main character is disturbingly Mary Sue-ish. Also, I totally want a complete re-write of the "Prologue", but otherwise? Not bad. It has a lot of promise if I ever, you know, get around to making even the slightest attempt at finishing it.
And then I went to re-read Temptation of Judas to salve all the writing wounds that had been reopened, had salt rubbed in them, and got rinsed with sea water.
I think I'm going to stop torturing myself now.
powers that be,