What should I be for Halloween?

Oct 29, 2008 17:43

So, I have two possible costumes to wear should, you know, I be a normal college student and go out for Halloween (though, honestly, I'll probably end up wearing one at school all day on Friday because I wanna dress up for Halloween, darnit, even if I don't go out). I'm a bit torn as to which one I should make use of, though.

So, I'm gonna ask you all to choose for me.

Should I go as

In the Black with Chain choker

In the Orange with chain choker

Fuzzy close up of chain choker

In the Orange with Black choker

And I'm not gonna show the Black with Black choker cause it didn't look very good. Also, keep in mind that the black choker and the "wrist cuffs" with have fake silver studs in them, I just hadn't gotten around to going crazy with silver Glitter Glue yet.

ETA 11:15 pm - Since I wear makeup once in a blue moon, and since I have never, *ever* put on eyeliner/kohl or mascara, I wanted to practice putting it on since everyone so far likes Abby. So, here would be my second (the first was complete and total failure) at Abby Eye make-up and hair.

Or should I go as

I'm wearing brown leather boots, you just can't see them in this picture.

So, which one do you think looks best? On the one hand, I really think my Artemis costume looks awesome (and I think I look best in it), but that one has props I'd be carrying around everywhere, otherwise I would look like Tinker Bell. On the other hand, even though I look nothing like Abby without the lab coat, that costume is really easy to get into and out of, I still look pretty hot, and there are no props to carry around. There would, however, be makeup to apply, and as I have never applied mascara or kohl, that would be a bit of a challenge.

Choices choices!

pic spam, halloween, geek, ncis, costume

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