Oct 20, 2008 19:37
Shame on me. I have skipped dance class the last two weeks - first week because I was sick with that nasty cold, last week because I got a lovely headache that would've likely only gotten worse with all the bending over and having weird positions. Also, I just didn't want too.
This week, I am thinking about skipping again cause Aunt Flo has made her monthly appearance and I feel very very "uuuuugh". In hopes of, you know, *not* wasting another 10 bucks (cause it was 140 dollars for, like, 14 weeks, one class per week), I tried some Midol to see if that helped any. So far, it kind of has on the bloating, but the caffeine (at least I assume it's the caffeine since I don't have a lot of exposure to the stuff) has made me feel all shaky and trembly and increased my heart rate and generally made me very much not want to spend an hour dancing around and making it go even faster.
Stupid PMS. Being a girl sucks.