Help Me Further Geekify!

Oct 07, 2008 21:03

Wrote this last night just before the wireless died. Posting it now while I still have the chance, cause the wireless is still having issues.

I've been toying with the idea of starting a geek-esque club of some sort on campus for a few weeks now, consisting of anyone who ever rescheduled their life around a specific TV show, movie, book, or video game. One of the reasons I haven't is because I don't know who all would be interested, and even those who were, Geeks are notorious for being kind of shy, so I'm afraid that no one would show up. I also have no idea how to get the word out aside from making pamphlets, because UWSP is one of those campuses that tries to limit email to one or two "Student Buz" emails sent out by the student union every day with a list of up coming activities like college football/basketball/whatever games, student government-type things, or stuff at the student fitness center or Schmeeckle, but nothing really club-related, saving the student email for actually *important* stuff, like homework assignments or tutorials.

I think some fliers scattered all around campus might be worth trying, though, with either my email or a specially made email to see if anyone nibbles. In that vein, I'm trying to think of a creative geekish name, maybe a catch-phrase or a play on words (and briefly considered something in Binary, but since even *I* have no clue how to read that stuff, I wasn't sure if there would be anyone who knew what I was talking about). So far the best I've come up with is Geek Scheek, but I think I might've stole that from something else.

So I'm looking for any ideas you all might have to offer. I really want to keep it general, so *all* geeks feel welcome, not just those from a specific fandom. We would have TV show marathons and Star Wars showings and possibly get together once a month or there abouts for a game night or the likes. What I *really* want to do is have a Halloween party where everyone dresses up like a favorite movie/tv/book character and there are, like, three TVs and everyone who wants to can bring their favorite episode of whatever to show while we eat and dance and generally be really dorky.

So, any suggestions? This is something I really want to do, at least as far as making the fliers, and hopefully see what happens from there. I miss being surrounded by geeks.

question, geek, request

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