blah blah blah.....
- Kaitlin- !New Yorky Sex!
- Jesse- Kill or be Killed
- Ryan- the Guidance needed- also our sexy !Samurai-42!
- Matt- Freedom Chained
- Brian- BUSTED
- Josh- Too Sexy For Words!
- Kelsey- ... yeah
- Tim- Fatass On Crutches
- Mandy- Hahaha (inside joke)
- Nick- My Sexy Butt Buddy
- Jay- 'If there were dictionary steroids'
- Molly- LiiiiisSSSSSSshPPPPP(another insider)
- Sheila + Megan = Coolest Shits Ever!
- Ashley- Lip Ring, Nice!
- Kevin- *Ominous Blob Of Awesome*
- Jessica Walla- B-i-g P-e-n-i-s?)
- David Sawyer- Too Sexy for Nikes!, get the boy some Adios
- Stan- If Art could Kill, He'd be a Mercinary!
enough gay shit
"FUCK YOU ALL AND I LOVE PIZZA"-Underoath... kinda