Sep 06, 2012 00:23
Besides wrapping myself so tightly, and letting out a short breath every now and then, Life has gone on as usual. Work has, interestingly enough, gotten understandable. People at work have gotten predictable.
Just last month, I slipped in an adventure to the Scandinavian sites, and what an adventure it was. The beauty and grace of the world truly humbles me every time I remember to look around. I'm so blessed to be able to travel, to be able to come home to my family to share the joy of learning. Every step I take further away, I hope to give back to someone, somehow.
My best friend's giving birth to her second child soon. I'll be reaching my four-year mark in the service next week. I've gotten to know some new people in the past months. As fun as things can get, roller-coaster question marks ought to kindly retire.
Hoping we all will be well and happy.