Aug 28, 2007 12:16
My heart's love and I were married Friday last. The handfasting was beautiful and the scene was right out of the middle ages.
Mary, Queen of Scots oversaw the festivities from her throne, after having been piped in by a live bagpiper.
We had live harp music for the processional and to que the declarations of the heads of Houses giving permission to the clergy to perform the ceremony.
My sweet Laird and I exchanged 6 promises and rings before about 50 guests, followed by feasting on Haggis and roast pig, smoked turkey and wedding cake.
The party was invaded by Pirates, (a local group of friends known as the Royale Pirates of Tortuga) but since the Queen was amused by the Parrot, we allowed them to stay and party with us.
Wedding gifts included a book of Limericks, a new circlet for me, and new leather armor for my Laird. A good time was had by all.
The Welsh House and the Scottish are joined. Huzzah!