Sep 29, 2006 09:34
An amazing amazing day last night, even if Randy was sick, he took care of me like no other guy ever has.
Our Anniversary was month already. To tell the truth, I can't believe it's ONLY been a month cuz it feels like so much longer. I ended up out at Randy's house around 4, and I got my first taste of Final Fantasy VII...and I LOVED it. *squee* makes me very very unhappy that I don't have a PS2 but I impressed him cuz he walked out of the room and I still played. Then he blindfolded me all the way to Brunswick Zone where we DDRed and ITGed and Bowled and just had absolutly the greatest time. I felt so bad for him being sick, especially since I think I got him sick, but all he kept telling me was how I was worth it and it didn't matter cuz it made me happy. I bowled a 167 I believe I was so impressed with myself! Then we went back to his place and watched Grandma's boy...which was actually pretty funny. "New High that bad? Did I break it?" And I nearly fell asleep in his arms...I did NOT want to go home because I just feel so right, so at peace with Randy. *sigh* He's amazing.
I have my Intro to Teaching test today, gotta get those hours set up soon. Should get my math test back today too but I don't think I want to see that, I didn't really study. My Psych teacher wants me to drop the class...I think I might and blame it on bombing out the first test...which technically I did since I didn't get to take it, but here's my theory, I'll wait until AFTER I start at U-haul so they can no charge me rent before then. Smart one, no?
Donna wants me out of the house, I can tell. Last night I forgot to call and I came home to "You can find some place else to live if you're not going to call and tell us where you are." when A. If she payed any attention at all she'd know it was Randy and my Anniversary, and B. I've been being really good about leaving notes and calling on my way home and I screw up once and this happens.....How many more days til Dec 11? then I will be out! gone! finito! Probably, unless some better idea comes along, I'll be staying at Katy's for a few months, til I can get some money saved up, then look for my own place, which will work out nicely since I'll have uberamounts of hours at U-Haul over the summer.
Oh did I say U-Haul? Yes LJers I forgot to put that in here, Randy got me a new job at his U-Haul. 8 an hour, looking at about 20 hours a week, latest I'll work is like 8:30 and that's on a weekend, I am a VERY happy Rennie =)
Alas, I am also a Rennie who must finish her Math HW before 11 so I'm gone!