Jul 21, 2006 15:51
i am sick of everyone saying evrything about everyone else behind their backs and not saying their actual opinions of people. Megan gets a gold star in my book for actually texting Ed to tell him she was hurt he had not texted her.
I am trying, honestly trying, to get better about telling people my opinions of them and what they are doing, I just don't wish to start any more drama because what I say is stupid or something like that.
Why can't we all just go back to the way things were like 2 or 3 years ago where when people had problems with each other they fought it out and then it got better? When everyone had each others' backs and they weren't hiding a knife back there with them? I miss my friends, they way they used to be, and I miss not being afraid of being myself because one little step out of line gets you rumors and bad opinions and fights for weeks to come. Why do you guys think that I try so hard not to do anything that is considered "bad" and I am VERY not proud of the stupid mistakes I have made. (ok, there are several reasons but that si one of them.
On a lighter note, despte all recents attepmts at dramam and pain I am actually doing a bit better...at least a little bit. Looking forward to getting paid monday and praying that it is enough to get Juco paid for the first payment and get my renst off my back. Thank God for 31 day months so i don't have to try to pay my insurance this check as well.
Andy is going to restring Donna's gutar and teach me how to play. My God I did a happy dance and I can't wait til he gets paid so he can do so. I <3 my big brother =) Also if you see me drumming my fingers odly.....blame andy lol.
Probably going to see Clerks 2 tonight, I don't know for certain, depends what Meganna is doing and what not. No I haven't seen Clerks 1 all the way through yet, I'm trying damnit and I saw probably half of it and....it was ok. i was in a rather bad mood the night I saw it, not to mention I had Megan and Katy going "you have to stay awake, you have to see this part!" and I was way wiped from work. Definitly going to give it a second chance and I apologize to both Katy and Megan for being such a bitch about it.
Infact I apologize to the number of people I have been bitchy to at recent. I'm just under shitloads of pressure from the rents and GAH, and as stated above I am sick of all this drama that is connected to me and to the people who are important to me.
God damn that was a long entry.....
andy b,