Shadow is your anime element. You often feel
lonely and become depressed. The way you
usually act around others isn't how you truly
feel. You don't want pity from people; thus,
you don't make yourself seem pitiful. You're a
very unique individual and are extremely
talented. Most people envy you, but it doesn't
matter. You know the true you that no one else
knows. You tend to be envious of others,
wishing you had what they have to fill the
whole in your soul. All you want is someone
who truly loves and understands you; someone
you can trust. If you were an anime character
you would control darkness. You would have the
power to steal people's souls.
What is your anime element? brought to you by
Quizilla Unfortunatly that sounds pretty accurate.
Ok, why exactly are boys so Goshdarned CONFUSING?!?!?!? So Andrew and I are back at flirting and I THINK, I could be totally wrong but I THINK today he said that we could possibly have a relationship. We talked for like 2 hours straight today online and he said that he'd like to get to know me better at a few points and we were totally talking about kissing again the next time we see each other (hopefully sometime this week if I can get emily or erica to drive out there.) i am so very very confused though cuz he whined cuz I was 19 and he was 16 and now where is this going I am so confused.
I have awesome pics and the whole story of the wedding but I can't get this stupid lj cut to work so it's not going in here cuz I wrote the whole thing out in my Xanga w/ the pics inserted and it has 18 pics in it and that would so rape your friends page so for now we'll just do this: here is the link to my Xanga and it is the latest entry.
Luv you guys lotz and guess what I am ALREADY bored home alone but I have school in the AM so I'm outie!