fucking rich snobs

Dec 07, 2005 02:28

as i sit here and think about how things go i see that the lower class workers get shitted out of things. they push the smaller guys around for fun and get paid for it it shows how this econonmy fucking sucks a rich man can walk downtown and go to christians and can watch a homeless man sitting on a curb feel bad and then order a slice of pizza and eat it right in front of him with no emotion but when the homeless man asks for a doller seventyfive to get a slice all of a sudden the rich man has no money or sparechange when in reality his wallet is full of 10s 20s 50s 100s even but he cant even give the guy a doller seventyfive stuck up rich fucks piss me off i am a mcdonalds minimum wage working and i give to the poor and the needy it shows how people are
it shows how heartless people can be then theres the bitches that wont give u a job because of ,,your race,, your sex,, your sexual preference,,tatoos piercings,or the way u dress, the other day at work they wouldnt hire a girl because of the way she dressed it shows how not matter what happens u will always be labeled ,no matter how hard u try i am sick of being labeled,,,, fuck
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