Jan 25, 2008 16:28
Hey, Folks! Greetings from the Paltz. It's fucking cold up here. My house is exceedingly happy in every way, though nowhere near so much as my actual bedroom. No one room has ever represented me so well, or made me feel so safe. It's a fantastic place. I love two of my housemates, like three, and don't know one...so that's not bad, really. The house is a perfect distance from campus. Long enough to feel a bit secluded (and to force me to hang out on campus and be social between classes), but close enough for a short walk to class. Though it's close to school, it's pretty far from town--this is good. The distance prevents me from wandering through town buying things or staying out later than I ought to. I tend to come home after finishing campus related things...and that's good.
I was feeling pretty damn bummed yesterday because all of the classes I had sucked (Chemistry in Art was too hard, Page to Stage was too easy, and Black Music of the 1960s was just ridiculous), but I dropped the first two and may drop the third. I'm much happier with my schedule now. I replaced one of the dropped classes with the fucking amazing History of the American West. The professor reminds me of both Alan Langdon and Mr. Feany, and he's hilarious and brilliant and mean and wonderful. A smile never left my face the entire class period. I loved watching him talk tree hugger types into a corner until they finally conceded that killing the Native Americans was awesome, and hearing him scream about how Long Island should be blown up. He led us in a chant of "women don't matter", and he likes me because I answered the "why are you taking this class?" question with "Because I want to sleep with John Wayne". Awesome, awesome class and the kids obviously adore this professor. About ten of us stayed after to listen to him rant further. Miles' friend Sarah is in the class (she's also the lead in Promise Keeper), and she's obviously brilliant and incredibly sweet. She seems like good folk.
Um...what else? I'm also taking:
-Creative Writing I
-American Literature II
-Musical Theatre Singing Ensemble
-Black Music of the 1960s (may be replaced by Psychology in Film, Short Story, or Major Authors)
-Developing Adolescent
Education majors are literally retarded, and Old Main smells like 1992. It also looks (inside and out) like Valley Stream Central High School. Creeeepy.
I was cast in the mainstage production of The Promise Keeper, which is cool. It's a horrifically bad translation of what seems like a fairly good Brazilian Christ allegory. Like the story, hate the text and directorial concept. We shall see. Though I was called back for a really awesome role (and I rocked that call back), I was cast as the wordless sidekick to that character (Silent Bob?). It blows, but it's my first show here, so...I'm just glad to be doing it, I guess. Hopefully Anita won't leave me standing onstage awkwardly without direction. I imagine she won't. I'm also understudying two of the leads, which doesn't really mean anything, but it's a nice gesture.
I wrote this really quickly, and my grammar is horrible (probably my spelling, too). Forgive me.
Aaaand if I don't go home now (oh yeah, no internet at the house), I won't be able to eat dinner before rehearsal.
I miss people.