My first post

Dec 13, 2007 04:12

Hmm... actually i have no idea what to write, cause honestly, i haven't done enough writing, especially in English.
But i can say that i love writing, and blog is a new thing for me, hehehe, pathetic?? i know,.,.,

Well, right now, i'm sitting in this cozy cafe, with two of my new-but-incredible friends, berrichino and Anastasia. But don't fool by those pretty names, cause they're lunatic, just like me. berrichino was just helping me edit my blog, so my blog is looking so good, >-<... Isn't she very nice?

Well, what could i say? i'm 18, i'm very normal, healthy, i love beautiful things, and also boys, i'm having my final now, and it was just CRAZY.. it was pretty easy, but then it becoming more difficult as time goes by, and about two days from now, i'll have my worst nightmare, Logic, cause i dont have common sense at all...
I love watching TV, especially fashion TV, and i can say that Milan Fashion Week is gorgeous, love that pastel colour...

I love MOVIES, and i'm very romantic. watching enchanted is very cheesy, but somehow, i love it. it's wonderful. I also love angeline jolie, despite those horrible things she said about her own child, Shiloh. I think she's having this symptom where she could not love what's truly belongs to her, her lovely daughter. If she said that she loves her adopted children more, i think it's okay, because they're once have horrible life, but saying that because Shiloh is (way more) lucky, who couldn't say that, having the sexiest man on earth as her father, and angel(?) as her mother, and born in the glamor hollywood, is really wrong. I mean, it's not her fault that she's so lucky, right? Angelina shouldn't say that she loves some of her children better that the other, because that's racist.

But nevertheless, i think she's one of the most wonderful person in this world. She doesn't need publicist to make her famous, she is very kind to poor people and willing to taking risks and discomfort to help those who have limited means
I also love Keira, because she is a great artist, and her acting is very natural. And pride & prejudice is just perfect. I love the chemistry between Keira and Matthew,i love the story, i love the clothes, and setting, and especially the music. I learn piano myself, and it motivated me to be a better player...

I love the HOLIDAY... i love holiday of course, because that's the time to see my big family, i have like what 30 members of the family??

but the one i mean is the movie, you know, the movie with Cameron Diaz in it?? i love the music, Jack Black, Jude Law, and Kate Winslet...

enough about the movies, i can see that i'm boring you people...
Well, i think it's a perfect time to stop cause now i'm using my friend's laptop, and she looks like she's ready to hit me, so...

daily lives

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