Since he is handling release news, publishing info, and posting the odd snippet or freebie, it would be redundant for me to do the same. Plus it would mean I really need to get on here and post more and that just isn’t going to happen, so I've decided to take on the more personal aspect of our blogging and be the chatterbug of the pair. Jaye would be nodding his head over there by the desk right now, agreeing that I am far more suited to be the social butterfly while he handles keeping the files straight and making sure my typos and grammatical goofs never reach your eyes. He has probably already spotted several in this post and I will hear about them later. Love you, Jaye!
September. My birth month. The start of school. Fall. I actually like September. It means cool evenings of riding my horse and crisp mornings that help me to wake up after a 3am binge with Tequila, Vodka or Rum. Geeze, any of you that read Jaye and my Twitters must think we're alcoholics. We really aren't! We're just keeping Jace and Konnor happy...right. Anyway, fall this year means that the flu is on its way. Jaye is already sick with something, poor thing. I left him this morning with a box of tissue, a bag of throat lozenges, the TV remote and a curled up Sephiroth, the cat. Now let's just hope I don’t get it.
What else is going on…
A friend of mine is getting married in three weeks. I need to get myself something to wear. You have to realize, I hate these things. I go because I love my friends, but I really hate weddings, birthday parties, retirement parties (of which I have recently attended too many) and anything else one is 'obligated' to go to, look nice, smile and give money or a gift that the person is never, ever going to use. Is my inner Jace showing? Oops. Let me tuck that fur tufted tail back into my jeans.
PS: Can I just add that...I HATE LJ formating? I had to edit this post 4 times. WFT?