love note for Rikku!

Nov 20, 2009 17:20

Hey Striker! Yer 'member how yer wanted ta meet me sometime like early in the mornin'?

How's about you an' me make that a date and meet up yo? Yer know mah room and office number!

Come ter me an' I'll show yer what a real mans all about yo! You an' me? We c'n make some sweet sweet lovin' time tergether!

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Ooh 'nother teacher on Kaz's turf... It's AWN BITCH dojimadragon November 20 2009, 17:29:44 UTC
Right, that's IT.

You think you can just swan in and take her, get through me first tough guy


Reno so pwns joo! reno_garcia November 20 2009, 17:31:40 UTC
Think? I dun think sweet cheeks, I Know .

She already LIKES me! She's said as much! She's mine buddeh!

However, if yer really think yer so tough... why not try an' stop me neh?


Tch, yeah, right, whatever, NOT. dojimadragon November 20 2009, 17:48:41 UTC
I am going to kick your punk ass all over this school 'sweetheart'

Fuck this, we're taking this shit OUTSIDE


yeah, right. Reno pwns all! reno_garcia November 20 2009, 17:50:52 UTC
I jus' dun think so hunnybun!

Sure thing yo! Lets meet up, I c'n kick yer ass an' show her how a Real man fights yo!


Re: yeah, right. Reno pwns all! dojimadragon November 20 2009, 17:53:17 UTC
I doubt you've SEEN a real man fight before now 'good looking'

Anyway, shut your mouth and get downstairs- I'll meet you outside


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