
Nov 11, 2009 13:51

Что Является этим дерьмом эй?
Ад я даже печатаю здесь?!
Вай язык изменился?!

[OOC: Yes, congrats Ivan, your settings have managed to change Reno's language on his computer. Now he just has to work out how to change it back to English while it's all in Russian.
Click here for translation )

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Comments 31

frostyfaucet November 11 2009, 14:06:41 UTC
... I beg your pardons?


reno_garcia November 11 2009, 14:09:25 UTC
Я преполагаю то, что я печатаю здесь эй.

Довольный я могу коснуться типа neh?

Ад Вы говорите на этом сверхъестественном языке задницы anyways эй?

OOC: Reno's translation what he wanted to say.
I'm guessing at what I'm typing here yo.

Glad I can touch type neh?

The hell d'you talk in this weird ass language anyways yo?

What he ended up with:
I преполагаю that I print here hey.

Happy I can concern type neh?

You speak a hell in this supernatural language задницы anyways hey?


frostyfaucet November 11 2009, 14:10:22 UTC
Ummm... Spasibo?

I think...

Congradulations on your concerned typings... though what is it that they are concerning?


reno_garcia November 11 2009, 14:14:07 UTC
Ад эта вещь печатает для меня эй?!
Я не могу понять слово этого!

Wanted translation:
The hell is this thing typing for me yo?!
I can't understand a word of it!

Actual translation:
This thing prints a hell for me hey?!
I cannot understand a word of it!


thunderstorm195 November 11 2009, 14:09:35 UTC
Pfffftt, what's wrong Reno~?

[ooc: She's laughing at you Reno, she is.]


reno_garcia November 11 2009, 14:12:41 UTC
Мои компьютеры, которые уводят непрочный эй!
Трахает продолжение эй?!
Я... Я ...! Я иду, трижды имеют, трижды продолжают пробовать!

wanted translation:My computers gone haywire yo!
The fucks going on yo?!
I... I... ! I'm going ter have ter keep trying!

ACtual translation:My computers which withdraw fragile hey!
Fucks continuation hey?!
....! I go, have three times, continue to try three times!


thunderstorm195 November 11 2009, 14:19:39 UTC
Questo è troppo divertente!! Oh god, your computers just went haywired!! Come on, you should be better with technology like this, no? Have you try the settings?

[translation: This is too hilarious!
Oh wait, so is Rio seeing the Russian words or the actual translation?]


reno_garcia November 11 2009, 14:22:20 UTC
Я пробую эй! Все параметры настройки находятся на русском языке! Иначе я был бы только прекрасным!

WT:I'm trying yo! All the settings are in Russian! Otherwise I'd be just fine!

AT:I try hey! All parameters of adjustment are in Russian! Otherwise I would be only fine!

OOC: Rio would see the words as they are shown originally. The translations are so people know what is being said, and so people who's characters can speak Russian know what is actually being shown on their monitors.


thetta_reddast November 11 2009, 14:14:46 UTC
Sounds like Russia's gonna take your ports now.


reno_garcia November 11 2009, 14:16:55 UTC
Движение взять мой, что теперь? Я не имею никаких портов эй!
Продолжение ада эй?! Ад я говорю эй?

Wanted translation: Going to take my what now? I don't have any ports yo!
The hell's going on yo?! The hell am I saying yo?

Actual translation:Movement to take mine, what now? I have no ports hey!
Continuation of a hell hey?! I speak the Hell hey?


/pretends to understand thetta_reddast November 11 2009, 14:18:20 UTC
Hmm. Yes, yes. That's a problem.


frostyfaucet November 11 2009, 14:23:01 UTC

Seriously, I am starting to be getting slightly offended- I am mostly a christian nation


frostyfaucet November 11 2009, 14:19:03 UTC

... )


clockwrkangel November 11 2009, 14:22:52 UTC
Nice one, Ivan! xD Don't get put in detention for it.


reno_garcia November 15 2009, 17:04:25 UTC
I think the probs fixed now at least?

Please dont' edit any more major settings, even if yer do manage ter guess the password correctly yo!! What were you thinkin' replacin' parts in Russian for?!


feliks_the_fab November 11 2009, 15:19:16 UTC

[ooc: Don't mind Feliks. He's just throwing a temper tantrum.]


reno_garcia November 15 2009, 17:04:49 UTC
Mah 'pologies yo! I 'sure yer, it wasn't d'liberate!


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