
Mar 02, 2010 07:20

So listen, I know I aint' been the best o' teachers aroun' of late ch'yeah?

I kinda let p'sonal stuff get in way of wha's 'portant.

Jus' wanna say 'm sorry ta those who were lookin' fer meh.

Heh.. feel kinda stupid...

ne'ways... umm.. yeah... Classes -will- start in a couple of weeks... I'm a lil outta shape right now neh?

Tseng'd laugh so hard right now... pr'bly say serves meh righ' fer tryin' ta be smart so...

Yeah anyways, figured I'd let ya'll know 'm ok. an' yeah, dun 'spect anyone's overly worried bout class, but the first ones gonna be a trip k?

Gonna take th' whole class somewhere fun, Shiva knows I need it too yo...

That's the situ yo!

Speaks laters k?

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