Arrived at B's last night, circa midnight, set up "camp" in his house, showered, et cetera etc. Today has been making the not-world famous but frackin' awesome and delicious sangria, with all the accoutrement (fruit etc), and the cutting of the onions, garlic, lemons and sausage for the boiling of the crawdads. I actually call them crawfish, but crawdads in jest.
Now I check "my internets".. The party preparations are underway and going perfectly, of course, as always. Katy arrived yesterday afternoon, with impeccable timing to see my place, get a shower, relax, chat, then get some delicious dinner from le Reginelli's (I know it's Italian, not French, but go with me on the "le").
Anyway, I digress. Life's good. LJ/nola peeps: B lives in the Irish Channel, about 6 blocks from St. Charles near Constance and First Street. Text or call me if you want to get together/come by the party; we'll be here until Sunday afternoon.