Weekend update-warning long and no cuts

Mar 26, 2007 20:12

Our weekend kicked ASS! We drove to Baltimore area on Saturday after dropping our dog off with Mara and Jen. They had offered to dog sit and since we figured their toddler would wear Sammy out it was a good deal. We then headed over to the evil C empire so I could use their free coin counter even though I'm no longer employed or bank there-gotta love abusing the system :-) I went to the one I used to work in though and saw some people and caught up a bit. Then we stopped at the Broomall branch of the credit union so Sue could meet my friend Megan (pronounce Mee-Gan). Then we finally headed out but realized 95 was a parking lot so I used my trusty GPS to maneuver a longer route but avoid the traffic.
We got in to Columbia, MD about 2ish and after hanging in the hotel and changing we went to the Lambda Rising bookstore in Baltimore to meet everyone. For anyone not privy to the info, I'm on a publisher's author connect list. We get to "meet" the authors and ask them questions about their books, influences, writing habits, whatever. They take turns hosting weeks based on whose books are released when. Many of the authors and staff hang out there on a regular basis though so you kind of get to know them all. Anyway, one, JD Glass (author of Punk Like Me and Punk and Zen-check them out, the ROCK, lots of subtle stuff goes on in them) was the author reading and signing but she was staying with KI Thompson and her partner Kathi. KI is also an author with a new book coming out in October, her first full length novel. Her partner Kathi is a book reviewer and moderator on the list.
So, that was two authors...I had posted suggesting that if any list people were going to be there that we meet up for dinner. At the time I was just really hoping the JD and her partner would be interested-I didn't know they were staying with KI and Kathi at the time. KI let me know that in an email and took over arrangements for the dinner gathering. But I digress.
We met JD and Shane, her partner, outside the store when we got there (also their fur kidlet Beanie the Boston Terrier). Went in and snagged seats then started shopping. (Who's bright idea was it to let me loose in a gay/lesbian bookstore???) We met Kathi and KI at that point and a few others from the list or other writing lists where the event was announced. Later we also met a woman who did the cover art on KI's upcoming book and a few others books. Its a sideline for her, she's an amazing artist. We also met Reese, a third author! It turned out that after a rollicking good time with JD's reading, joke telling, answering and asking of questions, signing and our shopping (Can you say NINE books? two are "Sue's" but still) we had eleven people going to dinner!
Best part-I got to hang out with JD during dinner-we're both allergic to seafood (among other odd coincidences like we're both EMT's though she's active and I retired) so we sat between our partners who wouldn't order seafood and kept ourselves covered against an accidental outbreak. We had a kickass time, joking and talking and I learned a lot about JD's books and writing. We talked a bit with everyone but it was so cool to hang out with the authors and learn so much from them. Besides, JD and Shane are in a band called Life Underwater and they want to come play out here in Philly so Sue offered to help them find a place to play while I offered a place to stay-a place totally fish/seafood free I might add!
I won't go into the mongo chocolate cake that KI ordered as a surprise for Kathi-it was her birthday, and the resulting sugar buzz we all felt afterwards. It was an awesome time and I'm so glad I got over my nervousness and did this trip! I kind of hero worship artists whose work I like and respect so it un-nerves me to meet them at first. Then I remember that they are people too-amazingly talented people but still people. Its just those few minutes right before I meet them and the first few when I meet them that give me butterflies. :-)
So, now that I've bored you all I'm off to read one of my seven books, leaving the other two for Sue to read first.
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