(no subject)

Jul 17, 2008 17:46

Heh, so this guy at work passed by me while I was walking today and he was in that diversity training thing with me. And he asked me more about my religion (a few days back I posted about this)

He wanted to google it... hehe

I told him a bit about it and wrote Asatru down on a piece of paper. I also told him up front that its not a white supremacist religion, because thats the first thing alot of newcomers come across when they hear about it. I told him that most of us are pretty sane. It was a pretty nice conversation, really he just wanted to learn more about it for the sake of expanding his knowledge. I think thats really admirable. And here I was freaking out at the idea of anyone at my work knowing about this, I figured they would jump on me. I hope others are as interested as this guy. He works at the other end of the building in another department, so I probably wont get to talk to him much but I did say that if he has questions he coudl always ask me.

Shaun is coming over soon... this makes for a happy ren!!!
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