Oct 10, 2004 12:27
Well im tired but thats really nothing new, and im home. Friday was fun, party @ rys, nothing too exciting, drank, watched the debate, drank some more. Ry was on fire getting sick i think we were all hammered i was up until four talking online to elaine and liz from like two years ago, that senior that liked me for a little while. It was nice talking to her again and ill be calling elaine while im home to hang out. Last nite was good too, even though it was one of the lamest ranks gatherings in modern history, aside from playing fuck the dealer- which beth cheated in to make sure i got really fucked- we were only there til like midnite. Pregamed at tidds w/ dave and mike before, watched the dodgers game, nothing exciting. I forgot who mentioned it but we havent had anything that can even be put in the same realm as a party in months, i for one cant remember. Slept @ beths last nite, got back this morning and had some breakfast at the towpath where robin was working. Goin to daves to watch football later then dinner here at home then we'll see what happens.
Oh yeah, GO RED SOX!!! Hope they kick the hell out of the yankees this upcoming week and theres relatively little drama- yeah right.
Ok, midterms...well presidential power went smoothly and art and lit was open notes, open book and so easy, alex had to remind me about it being open everything so i was an idiot to get all worked up for it. Thursday nite was kyles place, aka sausage fest nite but w/ thge tests and papers over i really didnt care at all. Its been an amazing first half, aside from the forgetful stuff like killing the car battery, locking myself outta the room, losing the remote, breaking the computer, the first half was awesome filled with a bunch of new and exciting faces.
BEST/ WILDEST NITE: the gardens extravaganza, with mike getting thrown out of the party, james' brother ending up in the hospital, drama w/ kelly and her hot friend...damn, it was a nite that never ended and had it all.
WORST NITE: A couple weeks back, kelly telling me for the second time around that she didnt want anything serious when a week prior after i kissed her close friend she said she still had feelings for me. Go out, get tagged for underage drinking, beautiful.
FUNNIEST MOMENT: This was tagged by james, mike and most of my friends: puking on mikes floor 2 beers into his party after eating seven bones worth of mcdonalds. Results in new nickname- dollar menu.
"WHAT WAS HE THINKING" AWARD: Dave for getting shit faced at 4pm then wandering off and checking into a hotel minutes before we headed to hideaway.
"WHAT WAS I THINKING" AWARD: Lets give that to not running from the cops- james did and im 100 bones in the hole for not.
AT HOME DRAMA: Dave disappearing and getting calls from his family, fighting w/ beth, janeen dating- and fooling around with- the douchebag i hate most, prank calls to adam and katelyn, NOT from me, certain summer things comin to light from crazy dave.
BONAS DRAMA: Luke and nicole, the james- jackie breakup, the whole kelly debacle "i think i fucked with his head," the liz thing, so on.
MOST CLUTCH HOME FRIEND: Tidd and roman for backing me up at tjs.
Aside from that, catch on teh dev lawn, drinking at noon, skipping classes and work, goin to un and it getting busted, smoking up at dantes, rank asking the girl to play ninetndo, james having mono, driving to alfred, geneseo, state college, chataqua, it has been awesome. With all the new guys and girls it should turn into an amazing full semester.