Title: Beautiful Thing...Beautiful You
Pairing(s): Yoomin, (Yunjae later),
Length: Chapter 4/?
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: violence, language,
Genre: AU, drama, angst, sci-fi
Summary: On one ordinary day like all others, Yoochun rescues an injured man. But the other is not quite what he seems to be. And was their meeting really a coincidence?
A/N: ouch!
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and what happened to uri changmin??
more quetions....
can't wait for the next update...:)
hate you for putting all this cliffhanger thingy...:(
makes me jumpy and not very successful in being patient...:(
i hope its not too confusing = = i like to keep too many secrets lmao XDD
but all shall be revealed soooooooooooooon <3
btw.. ur super fast like ninja style hehehehe :B
u know i don't really hate you right?
i mean who can hate you when you're working on changmin's FF???
owh really?
it's just luck cause my internet was down a few hours before and now after it's kind of fix suddenly...
aghh...an update...:)
have i told you how i love you for your update?
well i guess either way it's not enough...:)
i love it...:)
hmm then u got ninja internet :P
but i love ur comments so i gota update to get some more dont i ? hehe!!
well maybe my ninja internet just support my obsession on uri changmin...
sure i'd love to join....:)
then we can all sit around and fangirl over him..."more than usual at least"
owh would you really?
cause i'm trying and not very successfully iin being patient but either way...
it's ok ..no pressure...i don't want to spoil your flow or something...:)
we can just spam your walls like this...:)
(wats ur timezone if u dont mind? cuz u always seems to be on when i am :O woo~)
hmm what are ur typical min fangirling sessions like btw?? *_*LOL my sis cant talk abt anyone except chunnie..(and even tho i love him/them all dearly...still u kno wat i mean u_u) lol, but i remember u said even ur nonfan friends fell for our dream boy..he can charm anyone/thing ...(even ur net) lol *swoon*
man, ok, so i would be writing way faster cuz im full of ideas, but got so stressed from work im puking all over the place and practically dying = = (TMI i know, but it helps with angst i think!? :B) kakakaka XDDDDD
actually i don't know ...huhu...yup sadly i don't know my own time zone...:(
but huhu...well i try to be online as frequent as i can...huhu...
the side effects of falling for the ever charming changmin...:)
my typical fangirling session?
well it'll involve talking non-stop to non cassies about dbsk5...haha...:)
but if not just thinking of all the possible plots for changmin FF in my brain is also normal...huhu...
i know nerdy right?
so not adventureous...huhu...
owh take it easy...:)
u cannot die yet!!!
you need to supply us all a never ending changmin fic supply first...:(
and also you need to find me another that can fangirl with me...:P
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