Title: Ballad of the Moon
Pairing: Jaemin, Yoomin
Length: Chapter 12/22
Genre: fantasy, adventure, angst,drama
Disclaimer: idea based on goose-girl fairy tale ~
Summary: Changmin has no control over his life as he's forced to leave his home to become the escort of the Crown Prince in a faraway land. Before he can even reach his destination, he's
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Chun needs to come up with a plan to fight back. Jae needs to wise up and take out his "father". Su just needs to come clean about everything. And Min... Well, poor Minnie really can't do a whole lot, can he? But I hope he can stay strong for just a little bit longer. Or... I can't even say "strong" really. That's not the right word anymore for him, because he has definitely been broken. But he hasn't given up completely yet, and he needs to hold on to that for a bit longer. HOPEFULLY only a bit longer... *menacing glare in your direction*
i think its like one more chapter of angst before actiony stuff starts happening? i hope....*menacing glare at myself too* XD; jae will be more selfish. su will try to cover it all up and go more crazy. and just as min starts hoping again....he will um...........get super cursed :) AS IS THE PLAN. so we'll see ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*runs away*
(yes we both kno how it feels LOL but plz feel free to pour out more in ur stories too as retribution hehehe)
(Well, now that I have your permission, I shall! ^_~)
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