Title: Ballad of the Moon
Pairing: Jaemin, Yoomin
Length: Chapter 11/?
Genre: fantasy, adventure, angst,drama
Disclaimer: idea based on goose-girl fairy tale ~
Summary: Changmin has no control over his life as he's forced to leave his home to become the escort of the Crown Prince in a faraway land. Before he can even reach his destination, he's
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i always enjoy reading what you have to say immensely because so much of what you say i agree with, and sometimes the way you respond and react to what i wrote is really revealing both to my own writing and to how differently it may come across to readers :)
anyway here i go. it might be long to reply -0-!hehe
i agree 100% with how you say u hate old fashioned 'manly values', birth rank and power etc. cuz i disagree with it too, but for this story it makes me sigh in relief that you say it. thank you haha cuz it means i wrote it at least a little bit right. i'm trying to make it sorta historical-type fantasy where there would be these values and mindsets cuz its important for the characters actions/thoughts... but thank u for saying so :) ur the only one who mentioned it!!
i'm glad u dont like junsu either. cuz there's nothing really likable about his character at all. and if he were some random dude with a diff name and not 'junsu' i think other readers would hate him more too. its like,, him being junsu and they give him chance or dont let themselves see how bad his character really is. but there are tons of bad misguided selfish people in the world, so his character is slightly along those lines. i dont spend as much time talking about him so i dno if i always keep him entirely in character but oh well :S
i like the quote you mentioned about a true friend trusting even if they are betrayed. thats lovely *_* and friendship and loyalty really is something beautiful and strong huuu im feeling sad that i made this happen to minsu now :S uhhgg just have to write a new story with minsu bff to make up for it! lol
i keep getting waves of obsession over homin so it came out a bit here :)
wait, i'm going to next comment too ~~ go go shoong!
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