Title: Hanging on that shadow of your reality
Pairing(s): Jaechunmin
Length: 3/3
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: angst, confusingness?
Genre: AU, drama, angst, angst, angst
Summary: When dreams are more attractive than reality, who can blame him for wanting to lose himself within them forever?
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
A/N: um. don't know where this came from suddenly.
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awwe thank you <3 <3 <3 T^T i cant ever get enough of jaemin-yoomin whatever combination together *_*
Ugh, they're amazing in all forms, really. But this was especially good since it ended with all 3 of them. ^_^
the more love going around the happier and fangirlier we get hehehe but i mean how is it even possible for things like ot3 nad ot5 to work out so perfectly? its crazy how so many ppl can fit together as one like that *happy fangirling content in love sigh* *_* !!!!!!!
It's because these 5 are just special like that. Every possible combination just works out in its own unique way, and every different combination has its own dynamic. They're amazing~~ :D
oh that is SUCH a good idea.... :O cuz even today i was like.. in the mood to write..and its like.. which lucky one shud i use this creative energy on?? XDDD sigh. we gota bring all the notes and books and everything to get some work done chop chop lol *determined fire*
YES TT LOVE LOVE LOVE! its so life long and all binding forever and ever amen. <3 <3
Yay for good ideas! That's why I only work on one at a time, though. I have enough trouble keeping my timeline and details straight for this. I can't imagine if I had another story or two going on beyond that... O_O
Eeeeeexactly~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥ ^_^
at least u got the starcandy challenge to fill in that random writing craving thing XD
mmm i just thot of like.. drama-version updating. certain stories on certain days of the week lol. prime time stories and late night weekend things kekeke -0--;;;
Lol~!! That would be quite an interesting way to do it... You do kinda span the genres with all you WIPs right now. XD
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