[fic] Beautiful thing...beautiful you - chapter 7

Jul 06, 2012 20:18

Title: Beautiful Thing...Beautiful You
Pairing(s): Yoomin, (Yunjae later)
Length: Chapter 7/?
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: violence, 
Genre: AU, drama, angst, sci-fi

Summary: On one ordinary day like all others, Yoochun rescues an injured man. But the other is not quite what he seems to be. And was their meeting really a coincidence?

A/N: ok i admit part of ( Read more... )

pairing: yoomin, genre: drama, rating: pg-13, genre: au, genre: sci-fi, author: r, title: beautiful thing beautiful you, genre: angst, length: chapter

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yakuso5u July 29 2012, 00:06:01 UTC
FINALLY I READ IT AND OMG THIS IS GREAAAAAAT!!! *dances around you lighting YooMin-jungle-fires*

Now now now now... let me try and see if I understood it all correctly before I go mad again okay?!! :D
Young Minnie is the one who invented devil-chip and ended up being the first "lucky" guy to experiment having the damn thing stuck inside him inside of his heart. (*sobs*)
But in spite of being dead, Junsu somehow managed to "steal" a bit of Min's consciousness and put it aside in one "safe" part of his mind or something, as a 'thank you' for killing him instead of letting him become a cyborg. (*SOBS*)
Aaaand I don't know how but seeing Chun awoke that bit of consciousness in Min and that's why he was fitghting the program and managed to get enough control back on his body to remove the chip from it. (*SOBS SOBS SOBS*)

Lol that's what I understood from it sensei...?? OMG I HOPE I GOT RIGHT @@ How did you come up with such an amazing plot??!! @@
Now I can't wait to know more about the YooMin and if there's a reason behind it, or just the power of love or something, and damn what happened to Chunnie since we left him with Jae??!! And I really, really wonder if that bit of consciousness Junsu saved (?) is still here inside Minnie's head because he needs to find the strength to awake again and be human because cyborg!Min is wrong wrong wrong!! *shakes fist*

Anyway, it was nice having some insight into the kind or person Changmin was before. Young and brilliant but naive, it fits. ^^
I love stories centered around science cos it's always instructive (and scary? XD) on some level, touching to human rights or limits that weren't even existing before.... what you can do or not, the things science shouldn't permit... all that. Love it XD
And the addition of Su's character <33333 Though I guess he won't appear much more in that story, it was nice having him here!!! And he "saved" Min!!! :'o

(sorry I'm rambling XD)
I just want to add... I really don't know if you can make this a happy ending LOL! It's really... dark. The way MinSu ended and YooMin started. The "rotten world" below, the messed up people creating cyborgs...
The part where Min killed Junsu to prevent him from being a cyborg, and Su tried to preserve a bit of his friend's humanity in turn was... wow. Loved that most, it's incredibly tragic and yet... hopeful? I don't know, like there's something beyond technology that scientists couldn't foresee and will likely never understand :) Same for Yoochun's presence awaking Min's consciousness. It gives back a small light and humanity to a world that sound f*cked up in so many ways...
It makes me feel like it's thanks to small mysteries like love that the world is a warm place. Does that even make sense? XD

I'm sorry for commenting so late, but I hope long rambling comment made up for the wait... forgive me? ;A;
I can't wait for the next part already, don't make me wait too long oki?~ *pokes*
Me loves you!!! Even if you made Min a cyborg lol! (or maybe because of it? XD)


rennie_88 July 29 2012, 02:58:35 UTC
wow~ its been a while since i got one of your mega rambling comments! <3 <3 it means i should update more often!!! XDD
(jungle fires in which changmin's like.. a fire god...???hubba hubba)
ehehehehhe~~ i think u pretty much got it! and like i said, u helped my tentacles along with one of ur comments..cuz i think even originally junsu wasn't going to be in here..this chapter didn't even exist...but then bling bling bling~ out it came. u do wonders to my dark creativity. u know that already hahaha !

oh -0- im hoping the power of love will be a good enough reason. cuz i mean it has caused wars ...as well as stopped them.. so im taking it as a legit power source haha!
i find science terrifying cuz its hard for me to understand it :( and it really doesnt make sense any of the time, so maybe my confusion is showing up in this? lol

mmmm well even if its not necessarily a sunny 'happy' ending,cuz ur right and this world is super dark, im hoping it will be at least satisfying ~ i have the ending scene in mind (for once omg its the only fic where i actually know the ending *cry*)and just need to stop writing the new story to get this one done XDD lol~
oh i like this topic too! haha it always comes out in science movies, right? no matter how amazing the sscience gets or the inventions, they are always forgetting and missing the things about humanity that cant be created or duplicated *_* i like stuff like that too, that makes us remember the power of hope and love and how important it is for us. and when comparing it to all the dark bad stuff it makes us want to..be better? LOL geez wana see a sci-fi movie now = =

its ok if urlate~ ur never as late as my updates! ohohohoho and i loved ur comment <3 <3 made me all ...squirmy and happy and ahhg -0- i cant explain. but i think u know XD lol!
i'll try to update soon <3 :) thank u for waiting sigh ~~
im not the only one who makes him cyborgical! wat about android? :P oh yessss~


yakuso5u July 29 2012, 10:48:01 UTC
YES YES YES!!! You want to update if you want other scary comments like this one XD
Changmin's fire God... suits him, cos boy makes me hot XDDD (omg that's so lame, please kill me x__x)

Lol I've no idea of what I said that made you think of adding Su in that story, but I'm definitely veryyyyy happy that you did!! It's a really nice angsty touch to Min's character (cos there's not enough as it is XD)
*relieved sigh that she got it right for plot* It was late... ideas weren't linking properly in my mind :p

Power of love is more than okay~ <3
And I agree with you that science can be terryfying cos the possibilities are somehow getting more and more endless, and it's hard to know if they'll always be able to 'stop' where they should... like atomic bombs and stuff >.<

I'm fine with a not-so-sunny ending, as long as there's all the required angst and love on the journey to get there XD I know you won't disappoint me :p *hugs*
LOL @ you getting the ending done in your head!! Maybe that's always how you should start thinking of your stories to avoid future maze in thoughts :p *runs*

In the end it's always human feelings that can oppose the machine of science... be it love or honesty or pity... that's why I find the idea of cyborgs both terryfying and interesting, cos humans without feelings actually lack the very essence of what makes a human being... so actually it makes a lot of sense that power of frienship first, then love would save Minnie here ^^ (I hope he'll be saved!!! :o)

Lol I get how you felt, since I feel the same whenever you comment XD
I'm waiting already!!!! XD *gives you ice creams and hearts and love*


rennie_88 August 1 2012, 09:26:22 UTC
lololol~ lame is funny! i wont kill you, just join you~

huuu TT im so worried about the real crazy scientists out there in the world...and the crazy dictators with the bombs TT why are men always so destructive ?? = =
hmmmmm wat about a diff version of king midas with the golden touch, where everything he touches goes radioactive and cancerous...and he's a walking biohazard....cough..wait, where am i going with this...?

ooo well i really wana write the ending ~ but all the inbetween parts are scrambling for my attention. why are they so hard to write? :( but conclusions were always the worst part of my writing even since i was little = = go figure lol

well honestly, my ssis helped me with the ending but she didnt even realize. lol cuz we were sharing dreams one night, and she had this crazily perfect dream...which got me thinking..and then i just changed it abit, plus yoomin ..and voila ~ :D hmm i wonder if i search strange dreams online..ooo i bet there's tons of crazy stories and ideas out there??? O_O *greedy eyes* (btw, do u already know the ending to your story?? )

haha exactly! and then the ONE special cyborg starts acting all human and discovers emotions and everyone freaks out...why are ppl so interested in this concept?



yakuso5u August 8 2012, 21:37:34 UTC
I watch them horrible people on the TV and I wonder what their moms must be thinking... I mean, they must have been cute little kids at some point and how did they turn so wrong? .___.

Lol it's always the same... you have the nice parts all ready and perfect in your head, and then there's.... the rest. And that's where the Big Blank Monster comes *shivers* At least if you have the end of it, I think it'll be easier to be motivated ^^ (yep, ending is all decided, unless my brain suddenly decides otherwise @@)

Dreams... lol I always have strange ones but they are too weird to be of some use :p I'm still hoping that someday I'll manage to control it, some people can actually do that, it must be awesome! *prays* And I must thank your sis! She gave you the inspivation!! x')


rennie_88 August 9 2012, 12:10:22 UTC
no, dear. they were very ugly even as children. it couldn't be helped. u_u just joking but i guess they had horrible parents who abused them and did drugs and stuff etc :S its whoever raised them's fault. :( i..object!

do we even need to really write the rest??? hmmm cuz a lot of fics i read just are short and sweet, bam bam bam all the good scenes and its done. right??? could we ever do it? O_O
Big Blank Monster lol! he sounds kinda cute... those big blank eyes like a panda... chewing listlessly on our ideas and motivation...
(well im veryvery curious how your story will end!! :D i wish someone could just tell me how the last chapter should go, then i can write it XD)

nononono 'weird' is perfect to use! :) really! just let the tentacles take it away ~ controlling dreams??? u can learn right?? but what would u want to happen? lol


yakuso5u August 11 2012, 14:05:41 UTC
Maybe you're right... but there are also those people with a perfectly happy life who suddenly turn all wrong. That's what scares me most, cos in the end you just can't guess what's going to happen in a person's mind... *shivers*

But I like rewarding reads...!!! Like... you are frustrated and waiting, going through all the obstacles with them and then you get just twenty lines of sweet stuff, and you appreciate it more than a whole chapter of it lost in a story filled with love and hearts... I know you know what I mean XD SO PLEASE WRITE THE IN-BETWEEN @@
... your Big Blank Monster looks like the cutest thing ever *____* No wonder I'm meeting him more and more often those days... lol!!

I want to do cool stuff... like fly or kiss the boys... cos I'll never be able to do that unless it's in my dreams XDDDD (my sis actually manages to dream of things like that >.<)


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