Okay so I've been obsessively following the Raita-sama (AKA, "Akuma ni Kiss wo") updates and I forgot to mention how my brain exploded into bliss when
this news came out a couple weeks ago...
It's confirmed...
RAITA WILL INDEED BE PAIRED UP WITH OGATAAAA (our adorable hairdresser and Shou-chan's assistant at his salon)!!!!!! BS's recent tumblr post featured a few pages of the actual first chapter and
OMFG YES PLEASE. And Ogata-kun, what a lovely surprise, turns out you are one sexy little man unchibified.
Nearly hemorrhaged to death and broke my lungs shouting about it with the flapping and all (it was a pathetic sight) but all this to say, I CAN NOW DIE A HAPPY FUJOSHI.
I apologize if none of this makes any fucking sense. I'm just too elated right now.