Bloody Hell.
There are times when I think this entire office likes to break and remind itself that we're all dead and that life metaphorically sucks, and all it's doing right now is pissing me off.
You'd think Tsuzuki could last a damn week without his emotional prop- but no, he's back to everything being about how much he's an awful, useless person. Thank god the idiot's stuck with paperwork- even he'll have a hard time offing himself with that.
And Tatsumi? Dear, sweet Seiichirou, who hasn't hardly spoken to me in three days except to ask whether I thought it was fair to send Hisoka away from Tsuzuki, even if he did need training? At least I know who's gotten into him, if not what.
Watching him watch Tsuzuki though--
It shouldn't bother me this much.
Feh. At any rate, ramblings aren't going to do anything. I'd better see what I've got to drink around here, and then go corner Tatsumi with it. With any kind of luck, he might decide to talk.