Seduction. TOKIKO KISS?!

Apr 20, 2009 20:13


past voted application proof: (list at least 3. you can vote past stamped app.)

name: lady =D
gender: Female
birthdate: July 20
heritage: Filipino
status: Single XD
dreams: Cook and to be able to start a business

strenght: Any physical strength. I am more of a combat person. seriously, I get into fights as long if it benefits me, my friends or my family
weakness: Emotionally. I am week inside and sometimes I let my feelings take over. so sometimes I act without thinking
likes: Anime. Manga. Classical Music. Drawing. Cooking. internet.  video games
fave color: green
ideal partner/soulmate?: quirky, nice, funny and cute.
dislikes: noise

if you can have a super strenght, what will it be?: I think I do have it XD;;
if you were in school, what will you be strerotyped as?: (just assume) I am not a strerotype... but if I have to think I would be a dork (8D)
perfect vacation spot?: Somewhere relaxing. like the beach.
what will you do after winning a million dollars?: Move to japan and by a house
any rolemodels?: My dad. He's really nice and hardworking. He doesn't get mad so easily
what will you most likely do in a party?: Dance with my friends. Or BH *Bishie Hunting XD*
the only thing you'll bring along on a deserted island?: A survival knife

fave BR charac(s): Tokiko. I really admire her. She's tough and caring. she's so cute and amazing XD AND PAPILLON! EVERYBODY LOVES PAPILLON XD
fave pairing: TOKIKOXKAZUKI!
least fave BR charac(s): none
fave BR scenes: actually I love the fighting scenes 8D it pumps me up
fave BR song/music: OP

anything else?:

the game 8D



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