name: Netbug
gender: Female
birthdate: June 3rd
heritage: American, part Italian, Irish, and I think there's some German in there too.
status: Single.
dreams:Writing for animation, reaching people for God, and getting WALL-E on DVD. XD
strength: I'm honest with people, creative, try to be pure, and am funny.
weakness: I'm loud, a procrastinator, and not always dependable on the little things.
likes: Animation, fandom, God, pens, manga, reading, video games, robots, other new tech, and weekends.
fave color: Pink, which is odd because I'm not exactly girly. Well, I like romance and am a bit of a fangirl, but otherwise I'm quite tomboyish.
ideal partner/soulmate?: Somebody who stands up for what's right, understands me, and loves me.
dislikes: Greedy corporations, the "I'm better than volunteering" attitude, and perverts.
if you can have a super strength, what will it be?: The ability to always understand what I'm supposed to be doing..... But on the other hand, life might be a bit boring that way. How about some kinda useful mechanical devise. Mech stuff is COOL. Maybe like, a robotic arm or something.
if you were in school, what will you be strerotyped as?: Probably either the Bible banger, the geek, the otaku (mistakenly. People assume that any teen who loves animation only loves anime.), or the crazy loud kid.
perfect vacation spot?: Disney World. I WANNA GO SO BAD. 8D
what will you do after winning a million dollars?: Pay tithe, donate some to charity, and put the rest in a bank. You can practically live on the intrest of that much.... Okay, maybe I'll buy a Wii and some WALL-E related goods too. XD
any rolemodels?: Aside from God/my family/the obvious, Andrew Stanton is a HUGE role model for me as an aspiring animation writer. C.S. Lewis is pretty darn cool too.
what will you most likely do in a party?: Like, a big school party? With nothing but tons of people I don't know dancing to lame music? Probably try and get into it, fail, and hope to find somebody I know or somebody who seems fun to tak to. I'm more into smaller parties, like the ones in our youth group. Those are fun. Movies and games and going out to do something beats the crud out of big dance parties most of the time.
the only thing you'll bring along on a deserted island?: A computer equipted with satalite internet/GPS. AHAHA I'M SUCH A CHEATER.
fave BR charac(s): Tokiko. She is just awesome. She's a hard fighter who is caring deep down, modest, and strong.
fave pairing: Tokiko/Kazuki for the win. It's probbaly half the reason I read this manga. XD
least fave BR charac(s): Papillion. He's just..... EWWW.
fave BR scenes: Well, I'm still reading through the manga, but volume.... 6? When Kazuki first goes all black kuragane and Tokiko snaps him out of it with a hug. Then he's kinda protective of her and she's all o///o. XD
fave BR song/music: Unfortunatly, I haven't gotten my hands on the anime version yet. Just the manga. So I don't know any of the music. ^^;
anything else?: Thanks for voting! ^^