Running about two weeks behind here, as usual...though I did manage to catch up to March 3rd tonight, LOL. I'm constantly making promises to myself that if I just read 2 or 3 days of posts each night, I can be caught up in no I take an evening (like tonight) and spend a few hours and make some real progress, so the next night I think, well I can skip tonight because I did so much yesterday. And the next night I think the same thing. And the next. And then suddenly I'm two weeks behind again. I suppose I should admit defeat and that I will never be caught up and just deal with it, hmm?
Part of the problem is that work has just been exhausting lately. We've been leaving at 10 am and getting home after 8pm, and that makes for a looong day. We finally got our sign put up, and it looks great, and it's doing what it was supposed to do - bring more people into the store. Unfortunately that means more people in the store. Plus there have been (I'm not exaggerating) over 300 boxes of product delivered in the last 3 weeks, plus I've been trying hard to get the warehouse cleaned/organized and keep it that way because we have an inspection coming up, plus we just hired two more people and I have to finish writing up the Store Procedures pamphlet I started back before Xmas. And finish the Buffy action figures inventory. And the February accounting. And make a new flower arrangement for my desk (the most important thing, obviously).
Jeez, I'm working harder now than when I was cleaning houses for a living.
Well, if the new people work out, it might just be possible for Gene and I to think about the possibility of maybe, just maybe, being able to take a vacation sometime next year.
Oh yeah, and I've also started the spring cleaning at home. So far I have the bedroom, upstairs bathroom, and upstairs hallway done, and on Tuesday I will begin work in my office. That should take the rest of March, and by then I hope we will have decided on paint colors for the downstairs; painting is scheduled for early April so we have to decide soon. I know I want a light sage green for the kitchen/family room, and we have narrowed it down to 3 possibles, but the pale apricot I want for the living room/dining room is proving very difficult to find. Everything I've tried so far is way too dark or too vivid - I want subtle color.
Haven't had the chance to go see Zodiac yet, but maybe we will on Friday. Looking forward to 300, too.
Am reading the Torchwood novels - they're pretty good. Need to watch the entire series again soon. Meanwhile I'm spending way too much time at YouTube watching John Barrowman clips, LOL. Not reading too much of the fanfic, as 90% of it seems to be Jack/Ianto and I just can't get into that relationship. Bummer that Season 2 won't air until next January, though. Long time to wait.
Oh, and I found this on Dargie's lj - no surprises here.
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Major Depression:Very Slight
Bipolar Disorder:Very Slight
Cyclothymia:Very Slight
Seasonal Affective Disorder:Very Slight
Postpartum Depression:N/A
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