Cookies & Productiveness

Feb 10, 2011 22:37

So since my mind crash on Monday when I was totally useless, and irate after discovering that I had not only accidentally deleted my script for my senior project, but my old presentations and the documentation from the previous project before I had changed it, it turned out Tuesday and onwards has been the opposite for the most part. I've finally gotten into that mode of just working, working, working, until something aches or I'm too tired to go on. My Happy Music folder on my ipod really helps along with Arizona's green tea w/ ginseng in the morning. I'd forgotten how well that kept me going throughout the day.

Oh, but first, Valentines Day cookies! This time, I went for chocolate! They're gooooood.

I totally made a sad attempt to stage a nice picture and failed. Oh well. And the icing melted. I cannot decorate cookies, not because I can't bc I probably can, it's just waaaay too much time so no thanks. They're very rich and brownie like. I recommend this for chocolate lovers but make sure you've got milk on hand.

Anyway I got to use a Cintique for the first time today! I never want to try digitally animating with a tablet again unless I have no choice! (forgive me, Wocky, and ps, Wocky's my new Intuos4) Animating/drawing on a Cintique was fabulous.

So two weeks and a half till the presentation. I've been a lot calmer about things though. A tip from a counselor of mine this week was, when you're worrying about things, you don't realize that most of the time, your worries aren't even true. Or at least there isn't enough evidence yet to be thinking worse case scenario. Basically, if you're in your car and you have a meeting at one, but all morning you're saying to yourself, OMG OMG I'm gonna mess up, and can I do this, and what if I forget that, it's like you're trying to predict what hasn't happened yet. Basically, her advice was to live in the moment. Unless my worries are productive such as I'm thinking, "Okay, if I have lunch at this time, then I can have room to do this etc etc etc" rather than "OMG I'm not gonna have time to do this! I'm gonna fail!" then I should busy myself with something so that I'm not tempted to think this way. So far, I've been doing a decent job. I've been working enough since Tuesday that at the end of the day, for the first time since I can't remember if I've ever had this feeling, I feel satisfied enough to go to sleep, and I've also come to terms that if I can't finish - well then I can't finish. I am only human. I'll do what I can.

Oh, learned something new. If you have a really bad toothache, rub ice between the v-shaped area between your forefinger (your Phoenix Wright objection finger) and your thumb, ON the side that your ache is. The nerve passageway apparently connects so it numbs the pain. Saved my father's life today. The man was in so much pain, he couldn't talk and once I told him to try that, then he wouldn't shut up haha. It worked. Just wanted to share with people because I got a bit warm and fuzzy knowing that I made my father so happy. It was like I gave him a miracle cure. XD

Speaking of the end of the day, I'm exhausted. From both animating and scripting, then coming home to bake, set up webhosting/domains. I think it's time to sleep. Night all!

oh happy day, baked sweets, why isn't woot a mood

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