Title: Data Tales
Written by: Gwynhafra
Rating: PG-13 / T
Characters/Pairings: Data Pair (InuiYanagi), SanaYuki, hints of TezuRyo.
Warning: Shonen-ai fic. Mpreg. Mild OOCness. Slightly AU.
Summary: Inui was once inseparable from his friend Renji, before the latter ran off without even saying goodbye. When they meet up again years later, a parting gift affected their lives in a way which neither of them had calculated. How would they cope with this?
A/N: Please note that since this is slightly AU, I've changed a few details.
1. Yukimura collapsed from his sickness in the middle of the year instead of at the end of the year.
2. Yukimura and Sanada became captain and vice-captain respectively in their third year, not second.
3. Try not to apply too much logic to the Inui Juice. :p
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 ---
Chapter 3