Friday tweets

Nov 14, 2009 08:01

  • 10:40 @ evening_shadow If they stuck something "interesting" somewhere, I'd be a lot more interested. #
  • 11:00 SGA Big Bang site is LIVE! I can't wait to read the finished fic. Check out my accompanying art: #
  • 11:01 And feedback would be wonderful, of course. :) #
  • 11:33 @ Takineko Yeah, sorry. It's for Stargate Atlantis. I was really into the fandom before I found BBT. Trying 2 make my way back, so I did art #
  • 11:33 @ betternovembers And a BBT big bang would be amazing, definitely. :) #
  • 11:38 @ evening_shadow Thank you! I should have put more commentary about how I came up w/ the illustration in my notes. Oh well. #
  • 11:38 @ evening_shadow And procrastinated way too long on this, but I did go for the details in the end. :) #
  • 14:47 omg...i need some Taco Bell in my belly so badly right now. :/ #
  • 15:03 #FF #FollowFriday Artist Edition: @Takineko @Akitron @salixlikescake @Oneleggedbird @gwendy85 @songxsparrow @Znuese #
  • 15:27 @ artincircles Thanks for the #FF. *hugs* #
  • 15:31 @ evening_shadow Complaining? Yeah, I totally was. It was because I knew I had a pic of a stargate on my computer, but couldn't find it. #
  • 16:38 @ betternovembers I forget how relatively new your are to Paradox. The pic is from a play Jim did a few years back (c.2003). #
  • 16:44 @ hannastar29 Day after Thanksgiving they have massive sales at stores in the U.S. Start of Christmas shopping season. #
  • 19:58 Wow. Paradox exploded (again) while I was away. #
  • 20:02 Wow. I'm so eager for Monday night. #bigbangtheory #
  • 20:26 How exactly does an unconfirmed source confirm something? #
  • 20:46 @ Oneleggedbird Interesting... #
  • 21:06 @ Oneleggedbird What? No, not mad at all. I do get annoyed, though, at the tweets about speculation JP's sexuality. #
  • 21:10 Photo: My shirt finally came in. :D Shots of closeup of the front, fullview, and the back. I had to proclaim... #
  • 21:20 @ Oneleggedbird @mrsvc_sp Thank you. :) I will be officially old this month, so I had to do something to keep up w/ you paradox youngins. :P #
  • 21:24 @ evening_shadow For some reason I feel like there's a mirror on the back of his bedroom door or closet door.. #
  • 21:24 @ evening_shadow Check caps of The Luminous Fish Effect... #
  • 21:29 Wow...just got flooded w/ tweets...that's awesome. :D #
  • 21:30 Here's a link to the shirt I ordered: #
  • 21:32 @ hannastar29 @Oneleggedbird I'm finally starting to realize my age. I seem to be at another crossroads in life, is all. :) #
  • 21:33 @ mrsvc_sp *cheers* I need to get to writing. It's hard when I don't know where to go next... #
  • 21:35 @ evening_shadow Dude. I didn't know you were older than me...I thought you were a year younger. *doesn't feel do old now* ;) #
  • 21:38 @ Oneleggedbird Huh? Worshop what? #
  • 21:38 That's what I've been saying... ;) RT: @evening_shadow: @Takineko Goodness. Y'all are BABIES. #
  • 21:45 LOL. Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. :) @1critic April Rhodes: Talent doesn't age, sweetheart ;) #
  • 21:47 @ evening_shadow Oooh. I had one of those. Was wondering what John Mayer was talking bout in "Why Georgia" then I turned 25 and was like "Oh" #
  • 21:53 Ok, to the writing board... #
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