Title: "Ladybug + Raj"
Artist: renisanz
Medium: Pencil, Photoshop CS2
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: I so do not own these characters.
Notes: In the episode "The Jiminy Conjecture" Sheldon says to Raj, "Ladybugs must render you catatonic." And then I saw an icon that said, "I ship Raj/Ladybug." Then I thought, Hey, I want to draw this. Incidentally, the girl Raj hooked up with in "The Middle Earth Paradigm" was dresses as a ladybug, too. Hmm...I see a pattern forming.
I did this quick-and-dirty, meaning I photographed the pencils rather than scanning it, and then rather hastily applied tones in Photoshop. I like the result though.
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