picspam: Amelia Banks

May 11, 2009 23:43

prompted by gategirlsdaily

We are first introduce do the young gate technician in "Quarantine." She spits technobabble to Col. Sheppard about why the systems aren't working properly (notice how Chuck's face is all like, "Whuh? Where'd you come from?" Still, she gets to tag along while they blow up doors and rescue Col. Carter and Zelenka from the transporter.

My first impression of Amelia (she actually didn't have a name at this point in the show) was basically, "Wow, she's really pretty (for a gate tech)." She had a unique look about her and I was excited when I found out we'd seen her again. Who would have thought she'd end up kicking Wraith hybrid butt by the end of Season 5?

Back to the technician things...girl has skillz with the computer. She can gather her wits after waking up from being hit by a stun wave and open doors for our favorite Satedan. Look at her in the top right pic, all proper with her fingers on the home keys.

Amelia Banks and Ronon Dex. An unexpected pairing, I like the potential of it.

She's smart, capable, and cool under pressure. And she doesn't mind letting her hair down every once in a while. I suppose it's implied that she and Ronon got to know each other a bt better after the events of "The Prodigal," enough so that she made a point to come see him in the infirmary after his dying-coming-back-to-life experience on the Wraith ship. She probably also wanted to show him how great she looked in the newer style of uniform. :P

So, she springs Ronon from the infirmary so he can have a look at the view of the Golden Gate Bridge. How sweet. :)

character: amelia banks, fandom: sga, graphic: picspam

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