meme: 5 things

Apr 15, 2009 13:38

Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

irrel  gave me:
1. Sheldon/Penny (duh!)
2. Your fanart
3. Bones
4. Dollhouse
5. Graphic Design (Hey, me too! :D)

1. Sheldon/Penny
About a month ago, I stumbled upon this post on het_reccers . Read a certain fic by cereal and was consequently hooked on the pairing. I think I got into this mainly because Stargate Atlantis has ended, and I needed a new fandom to fill the void. But they have such great chemistry though, and Sheldon kind of reminds me of Rodney McKay, except for some reason way more tolerable, not that I don't like Rodney. Maybe it's Jim Parsons accent that's gotten into my subconscious, or his ridiculously attractive forearms, or that he's so tall...

Also, the comm is freakin' awesome: sheldon_penny .

2. My fan art <3

Uhm....i like to draw people kissing (above Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller, John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan).

Seriously, though.

I really do. XD

I've done fan art for comic characters. It never entered in my mind to do fan art for TV show characters until I got involved in LJ. So, last year, I did a few prompts for paintedspires . I got the best feedback evah. It was rather intoxicating. However, the experience of doing fan art based on actual people was a lot more challenging and I liked it.

I hope to get do some Sheldon/Penny kissing art soon. Just have to have the right inspiration and appropriate references. I still owe stuff from my kissing meme, but if I'm all for someone adding some S/P prompts. :)

3. Bones
The show that first got me in touch with my inner nerd. If I had encountered that show while I was still in college, I might have changed my major to foresic anthropology. Never watched Angel, and I didn't see why people thought David Boreanaz was hot until I watched him on Bones. Yay! Seely Booth. I also heart Hodgins. I haven't really watched since the end of Season 2(?) was it, the Pain In My Heart ep.

4. Dollhouse
Admittedly, I only watch this show because it's Joss. I'm a Browncoat, not a Whedonite in that I don't bow down to everything the man creates/writes. Firefly/Serenity was pretty great, though. Dollhouse doesn't come anywhere near to touching the awesomeness of that 'verse, but the show has gotten better with each episode. I've come to like all the characters except, Echo/Caroline (sorry, she is the least interesting and Eliza's Dushku's performance has been rather meh, so far). Victor/Sierra, ftw. Their relationship totally smacks of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, concept wise. I also like their characters on their own.

5. Graphic Design
Well, since I didn't discover Bones in college, I stuck with my major of Graphic Design. I work at a printing company, busy NOT doing graphic design all day, except, like, when a customer sends in really jacked up stuff and I'm feeling charitable enough to fix it without getting customer service to ask them to send something more usable. I also do freelance.

Making LJ icons is a great way to exercise my creative skills though. I'm really impressed with the quality of my favorite icon makers, especially because they just do this as a hobby. That's probably why they're so good; they don't have some client sucking all the awesomeness out of a once-great idea.

pairing: sheldon/penny, meme, fan: art, fandom: dollhouse

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