things to do

Feb 04, 2009 15:16

While LJ was down, I spent last night making icons for various challenges and a theme all my own. I think I may branch out and do icons for other fandoms, like Firefly/Serenity.

I would love to read some fic featuring these two:

If there is any to speak of, that is. I made this icon last night with a batch of shippy ones that will be posted at a later date.

I would have liked to see Ava Dixon again. I had an idea that she would eventually realize her virtual world was just that, and she would eventually try to break out/escape, a la The Matrix. ETA - I found one: " Life's Illusions" by word_fall

Anyway, I've got a lot of fic-related things to do, like, write at least a chapter on either "Back Home", "Left Behind" or "Need to Know."

pairing: john/ava, progress, general

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