fic: "Back Home" [Pt.11]

Dec 23, 2008 00:28

Title: "Back Home" - Pt. 11
Author: renisanz
Summary: Settling down won't be easy for either of them. A sequel to “Making Up the Past.” Ronon/Keller.
Category: Romance/Drama
Rating: PG-13
Words: 943
Beta: journeyman07  
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, but they're fun to play, not for profit.
Notes: This chapter has been a long time coming. It's quite short, but I'm posting it to get back into the swing of things.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Back Home - Pt. 10

Jennifer was startled by the sudden ringing. She had a cell phone, but it was not her ringtone. Even more confusing was the sight of Ronon looking around, and then pulling the slim mobile communication device from the front pocket of his jeans.

He flipped it open and put it to his ear, not pausing, as she would have, to check the caller ID before answering. Either he knew who was calling, was expecting it, or...well, there weren't many people who had his number, Jennifer was sure. She hadn't even known he'd had a phone; she didn't remember him taking it out when they'd gone through air port security and..

Jennifer shook her had and took a deep breath. She was getting too worked up over nothing. She figured she was just nervous about meeting her family and it was making her paranoid.

Ronon had taken a few steps away from her and was listening to the voice on the other end. He didn't say much in response, only nodding periodically. “Yeah, I'll be here,” he said finally, and then closed the phone.

Jennifer stepped up to him. “Everything ok,” she asked warily.

“Yeah,” Ronon answered. He reached down and brushed stray wisps of hair away from her neck, ran his thumb along her jaw. At his touch, Jennifer felt all her suspicious musing float away, and her skin warmed at the contact.

“We'd better get going,” she said, turning her face away from him, looking out into the concourse.

. . . . . . . . . .

“Jen, he is so hot.”

“Rachel!” Jennifer whispered back, genuinely appalled at her cousin's blatant appraisal of her companion. Jennifer glanced back at Ronon, who was busy loading their bags into the trunk of her aunt's SUV. More specifically, Jennifer's bags. Ronon always traveled light. Jennifer hadn't realized she had accumulated so many things on Atlantis until it was time to pack.

Rachel, just giggled beside her, staring at Ronon over the back seat. “What? He is.” Jennifer had to slap the girl's arm to get her attention. “Don't stare,” Jennifer chided, but she couldn't help the smile that was forming. She couldn't really blame the girl for staring, really, as Jennifer had a hard time tearing her eyes away from admiring Ronon. Rachel had a way of lightening the tensest situation, even as a young girl. No so young now, as her Aunt Jo's youngest daughter had turned nineteen a few months ago.

The younger girl gift for levity was certainly welcome after the initial greetings were exchanged in the airport. Jennifer pulled back from Aunt Jo's nearly suffocating embrace, the older woman gushing about how lovely Jennifer looked, and how there was something different about her, and how her ever-thin niece had finally manage to gain some weight while she was away. . .

And then it clicked.

Aunt Jo was nothing if not observant. “Oh,” was all the woman managed to say, thankfully, but Jennifer feared Aunt Jo might actually faint if the sudden lack of color in the woman's face was any indication.

Jennifer's face was nothing if not expressive. In this case, her cursed blush confirmed all.

An instant later, her aunt was hugging her again, “Oh, Jennifer . . .why didn't you say anything?” her aunt pulled away, her features painted with a mixture of awe and concern.

“Well . . . I didn't want to worry you with everything going on with Dad,” she said.

After that, Jennifer had hastily introduced Ronon to her aunt and cousin.

Jennifer settled into her seat in the back as Ronon opened the passenger side door and hopped into the seat beside her, behind Aunt Jo.

Ten minutes into the ride back to Chippewa Falls, Ronon leaned over, “You ok?” he asked.

Jennifer looked up from her hands, where she had been furiously picking at and biting her nails. She hadn't even realized she'd been doing it until she let her eyes focus on the now uneven edges of her nails. Crap. She merely shrugged in response, her voice coming up short in her dried throat.

It wasn't a lie. She was “ok,” physically. Mentally and emotionally, however...

Get a grip, Jen, she chided. You have enough to worry about without being obsessive over some secretive phone call that Ronon had gotten. It was none of her business. It wasn't like he was keeping anything from her. If she needed to know something, he would tell her. Wouldn't he?

She hoped he would. Though, she could understand him not wanting to worry her any more than necessary. But, she was worried, and he hadn't even said anything.

“So, Ronon?”

Jennifer looked up at her aunt's voice.

“Yeah,” he replied.

“How did you two meet?”

“We work together,” Ronon said.

Oh God, Jennifer thought has he intestine turned into a knot.

“You're a doctor?,” Rachel piped up, turning in her seat to study Ronon.

Jennifer nearly laughed at the incredulity in her cousin's tone. “No,” she explained. “He's uhm, a special contractor with the military.”

“Special contractor for what?” Rachel prodded.

“I'd tell you, but then he'd have to kill you,” Jennifer quipped.

Rachel's cocked an eyebrow, and mumbled, “I don't doubt it.”

Aunt Jo reached over and smacked her daughter's thigh. The girl shrieked and turned, sitting back in her seat.

“Ma! What was that for?”

Her mother just shot her a look-the look-and Jennifer put her head down to hide her grin. She'd wanted to smack Rachel long ago.

Back Home - Pt. 12
. . . . . . . . . .

A/N: Yes, she's named after you, sezj. ;) Thanks for all your feedback on this story so far. I know I said that with the last chapter, but...yeah. Thanks for hanging with this story.

fan: fic, series: making up the past, pairing: ronon/keller, character: ronon dex, character: jennifer keller, fandom: sga

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