I need another beta. Preferably one that resides on the same continent. It would be wonderful if they lived in the same time zone as well. I've come to realize that it's good to have a few people on standby.
While I'm on the subject, I feel like there must be an easier way to find a beta reader. I mean,
ff.net has a nice
directory, but it's not specific as to pairing. It'd be awesome to have a little "Beta Audition" or something. Like, send my work out to different people, and see what kind of notes they make, and choose the one I like best. I suppose it's a process of trial and error anyway, as I did something similar to get my current beta (who is awesome, but lives 6 times zones away). In the end, you, the writer can take or leave their suggestions, because it is your story, after all.
However, I've found that it helps if the beta is on the same page with you as far as sensibilities about characters and such. They don't try to change the story, just tell you what needs to be fleshed out or developed more, or maybe give suggestion on how to smooth out the dialogue and make it flow. This is really a pet peeve of mine when it comes to characters that have a distinct way of speaking. Like Ronon Dex. I have a hard time reading a story with him if the person doesn't nail his dialogue. That totally takes me out of the story, because if I can't believe a character would say something, then that frays at the integrity and believability of the balance of the narrative, no matter how awesome the idea of the story was/is.
But anyway. . . I still need another beta. So this is me, asking around.
In other news: Recs
My Home and Native Land" by
i_defeated_sga - absolutely hilarious, Ronon-centric fic, about his perceptions of Canada, co starring Chuck, the 'Gate tech. This is a great example of successfully executed "Ronon voice."
His Own Kind of Freedom" by
tielan - John/Teya, Western AU coolness
Helping Hands" by
wildcat88 -
J&T Thing-A-Thon entry that's very cool, sweet, and interesting.
John/Iratus" by
pentapus "
Maze for John+Teyla Thingathon" by
pentapus "
Teacup Ride" and "No Heart?" by
liviapenn - my jaw literally dropped when I saw the first one
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