In writing a place to which I've never been

Jun 10, 2008 22:15

So. . .

I started trying to write the next chapter of "Back Home," and then I realized that I made need some help. It would be awesome if anyone on my flist of whatever had info on what life is like in Chippewa Falls, WI or somewhere close. From what I could gather on the internet, it's a pretty sleepy city/town. I mean, if there's a lot of things I could make up. However, I live in a moderately sized city that has managed to maintain that smalltown feel (Mobile, AL; population about 250,000; off topic: what I love most about my hometown is that it's over 300 years old, so there's awesome English, French, and Spanish architecture downtown). But, if you note the geography, it's very far down south. The farthest I've been that way is Flint, MI, and that was during the summer many years ago.

My point, is, I suppose it's just like any other smallish town, with lots of farmland and such, and it's probably a pretty close-knit community, and I'm thinking that Jennifer may be slightly famous for being a genius and making it big and going off to save the world through her skill in medicine.

Or, that's what I'd like to think, anyway. :)

I still need to figure out what her father does for a living, though. Is he retired or what? I'm thinking he's managed to cope pretty well with his wife's death some years back and that he gets along pretty well. This is just my feeling, but I imagine Jen's mother had a long illness, so, though she wasn't old, she didn't die suddenly as one might. It's sad either way, but that idea plays into what I've come up with for Jen's backstory. Maybe at one point in her life she wasn't sure she wanted to go into the medical field, then her mom fell ill. . .

Ok, I'm rambling now, I think, but these are the things I think of during my writing process. I'm all about characters' motivations, and since there isn't much back story on Jennifer Keller's character yet, I have to come up with my own.

What do you guys think?

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rant, writing, poll, life, general

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