2010 fanfic review

Jan 24, 2011 02:05

What I wrote in 2010: Mostly ficlets and drabbles. Nothing new in the SGA fandom, surprisingly. I experimented with darker subject matter with the end of the world fic series. I finally started watching Eureka and was able to branch into the fandom with some Claudia/Fargo drabbles.

The Big Bang Theory
A Lesson in Semiotics | PG | Sheldon/Penny
Yellow | PG | Penny | Sheldon/Penny
The Tomato Soup Revelation | G | Sheldon/Penny (future-fic)
The Paintball Execution | PG-13 | Sheldon/Penny
Untitled WIP

End of the Word Drabbles
Famine | PG
Space-Time Continuum | PG
Magnetic Poles Shift | PG
Panic Room | PG
E.M.P. | PG
The Perfect Storm | G
Earth's Magnetic Field Reverses | G

Warehouse 13/Eureka
10 Claudia/Fargo Drabbles | PG

Total fics in 2009: 13 or 22, depending on how you count them.

WIPs currently residing in my WIP folder: 5

My favorite story of 2010: A Lesson in Semiotics

Biggest surprise: Being able to write the variety of EotW drabbles for paradox-o-rama.

Most difficult story: I didn't struggle with a particular story. I'm still struggling for a conclusion to Back Home.

Best fangirl moment: Winning paradox-o-rama with team_blossoms .

Second-best fangirl moment: The implosion of sheldon_penny  was pretty spectacular.

What I'm most proud of: Not sure. I didn't do as much writing this year in favor of fan art. I'm glad I got as much done as I did.

Things I learned about writing in 2009: It's important to challenge yourself. Sometimes just see where the story takes me. It may not be a complete thought/story at the time, but if I write it down, I can at least have it there to look at later.

Status of WIPs: I'm glaring at my fickle muse right now.

Writing goals/hopes/plans for 2011: I don't think that I'll be doing as much writing. I said that last year, though, and came out with a good amount of pieces. I will be doing more fan art though, try to branch out fandom wise. I really would like to write at least one Parker/Hardison fic. I have one that I was supposed to have written for girlsavesboyfic  that I never got out.

fan: fic, year-end roundup

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