Title: Untitled (Nyota + Gaila)
renisanz Media: pencil, Photoshop CS2, star texture by
dastardly_icons Rating: G
Warnings: None
Notes: For
trekreversebang . Not as "finished" as I'd like, but the deadline approaches and I'd rather post this than not at all. There was supposed to be a story to go with this, two, actually, but things fell through, and then I had none.
First draft version:
Final pencils:
I first conceived this piece as a way of drawing everyone dressed up for a formal occasion. I had the idea of the fic being a mostly gen, Uhura/Gaila friendship piece with a bit of Spock/Uhura.
The dresses change a lot over the development process. It was hard trying to find just the right style to fit Uhura and Nyota's personalities. I really would have liked Uhura's dress to have a bold print, so, if I find the right one, I'll go back and overlay the texture. I do like how her hair turned out, though, because I thought it would be neat if she wore a braided updo. The details may be a bit hard to make out because of her dark hair but I hope the highlights make them pop a bit.
I am not at all a strong colorist/digital painter so . . . I really like how the colors turned out, overall.
I'm disappointed that Spock didn't make it into this version, but I can always do another drawing of him and Nyota. Honestly, I was also running out of time and decided to simplify the piece as much as possible, which meant sacrificing the figures in the background and focusing on the foreground.
Feedback is lovely. :)