Title: Paradox Header illustration & design
renisanz Medium: pencil, Photoshop CS2
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: The pencil lines are my own.
Notes: This is my entry for the header contest at
sheldon_penny .
I don't think I'm very good at brainstorming design ideas. I've done A LOT of Sheldon/Penny art recently, but I decided to draw something completely new for the contest. I wanted to draw something that was fun and captured the dynamic between Sheldon and Penny, with hints of flirtation but nothing overt. Honestly, I was very pleased with the resulting drawing, particularly Penny's hair and shirt and Sheldon's eye and eyebrow. And the ornamentation of the oval. ^_^
Pencil illustration:
So then I had this drawing had to figure out how exactly I was going to make it fit the already established design of the community.
I started off just coloring the sketch with no idea of what wold go around it. That wasn't going well, so I placed it into a 400 x 700 px, 72 dpi document and copied the color layers to that and scrunch them down to fit. For some reason this was easier for me, and the design evolved from there. I experimented with different stripe combinations of the colors from the palette. I used a vintage wallpaper for the texture. The only downside of this is that I don't have a hi-res colored version.
The design:
After I was done with the design, I screencapped the sheldon_penny front page and placed the design in to make sure that it actually worked with the design. I purposedly made the inside edges of the green bars line up with the tabs, yes. Seeing it like this helped me decide if I could stand staring at my own artwork for the foreseeable future.
Misc: I love drawing canon clothing, so I used Penny's shirt from "The Financial Permiability" and Sheldon's shirt from "The Terminator Decoupling."
Design preview:
So, that's my process for this.
Feedback is welcome and lovely. :)