Title: "Crazy Delicious"
renisanz Medium: pencil
Rating: G
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: The pencil lines are my own.
Notes: Through the wonders of twitter, I found out about this
Red Vine Appreciation Thread going on at
paradox_ot . I clicked the link, my muse spotted the phrase "fan art" in relation to "crazy delicious" (Mr. Pibb + Red Vines) and immediately pounced.
Relevant fic: "
Red Vines Drabble" by
split_the_ocean Teaser:
As I said on the thread, Dr. Pepper fuels my Muse (as opposed to Mr. Pibb), and we'll just say that penny sneaked that drink can into the theater. Then I thought about setting them on the couch at the guys' apartment, but then Penny would have been in Sheldon's spot...and I'm not sure if their relationship is to that level at this point. :)
Feedback is lovely. :)