Outstanding fic 2009

Dec 30, 2009 16:22

I'm going into the new year with quite a few stories still unfinished. Early this year I got into a new fandom, The Big Bang Theory (sheldon_penny ), and I really neglected Stargate Atlantis stuff. I did write a few stories in that fandom.

Big Bang Theory
All Things Considered
. Sheldon Penny

Stargate Atlantis
Need To Know . Ronon/Amelia
Back Home Ronon/Keller
Left Behind . Ronon/Keller

So, it's not to bad. I think Left Behind has been lingering the longest. That story was more of an experiment than anything else. One of the main characters was an OC, Seraih, and I had fun writing her.

I think of all the fan fic writing I've done these past two years as practice for my original stuff, and it did help when NaNo came around again. Writing fic, posting, and getting the opinion of others was great encouragement as well as a learning experience as to what makes good writing. It showed me that I can maybe publish my own story one day and that people would actually read it. As much as we tell ourselves that we do this for the heck of it; for me anyway, writing, like art, is just another way of relating to people. I need feedback to keep going at times.

Anyway, enough of the rant. :)

Next I'll post a list of what I wrote this past year.

fandom, writing, year-end roundup

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