Saturday tweets

Nov 29, 2009 08:00

  • 21:04 @ evening_shadow Are you waiting for your S/P fic exchange prompt? #
  • 21:07 @ mrsvc_sp I don't know. Sorry, I'm not participating. *shrug* #
  • 21:12 Caught up on #SGU, and waddaya know, they hooked me back in by staying true to Stargate formula. #
  • 21:12 And it looks like I have to wait another week for a new episode of #TheMentalist #
  • 21:16 Let's see what's going on w/ #TheGoodWife... #
  • 23:23 Is it weird when you like a show more b/c the main chara's son looks like a young version of a chara on a completely different show? #
  • 23:31 @ Tsukihysteria That video is awesome. Glad you finally found it. :D #
  • 02:09 FACT: I really enjoy the Kino scens on the #SGU website. They actually add nice little bits to the episodes. #
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